Reactie van DennisA op Dot Earth NYT-blog over IAC-commissie

How can this committee be independent when chairman Harold T Shapiro was Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Alfred P Sloan Foundation from 1980 to 2007, (, which gave Pachauri $45,000 in 2001 for his TERI-NA organization (zie  jaarverslag p 21). The foundation is still a sponsor of Pachauri’s TERI-NA (North America):…

One of the criticisms of the IPCC was the use of “gray” material from NGO’s such as WWF. How can this panel be objective when they have members who are so closely aligned with WWF, such as Mario Molina, a member of WWF-México’s Senior Advisory Council, involved in shaping current Mexican policy on emissions and Roseanne Diab, who has received grants from WWF-SA

How can this panel be objective when one of its members, Louise Fresco, is on the advisory board of Rabo Bank. The Rabobank Group facilitates emissions trading through CLIMEX, an electronic trading platform. CLIMEX also organises auctions of CO2 credits for a range of European public-sector organisations. Rabobank International’s Commodity & Weather Derivatives Group trades in CO2 rights and certified emission rights for large corporate customers.

Of course Dr Pachauri knows about these things because he is on the advisory board of the Chicago Climate Exchange and Chairman of its subsidiary, the India Climate Exchange.

How can this panel be objective when another of its members, Maureen Cropper, is a senior fellow at Resources for the Future, which is a sponsor and partner of Pachauri’s TERI-NA?

How can this panel be objective?