Voor het laatst kom ik terug op de Amerikaanse verkiezingen. WUWT kwam in dit artikel met bovenstaande poll uitslag. Hier een artikel uit Washington Post dat zegt dat Sandy de doorslag heeft gegeven. Hier in dezelfde krant een artikel dat bezweert dat dit niet zo is. De democratische senator Harry Reid heeft Sandy en global warming weer op de kaart van Congress gezet nadat Obama over opwarming bazelde in zijn overwinningsspeech. Zie via deze link al de hele rits artikelen over Sandy op WUWT.

Fred Singer, Lord Monckton, Willy Soon en hurricane expert Bill Gray hebben onderstaande brief aan Congress geschreven om een inmiddels geplande hoorzitting af te blazen.


The Honorable Fred Upton

Chairman Committee on Energy & Commerce

The Honorable Ed Whitfield

Chairman Subcommittee on Energy & Power

U.S. House of Representatives

2125 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515

11 November 2012

From Professor Fred Singer and others

Dear Chairman Upton and Chairman Whitfield:

The recent election should be a time to return to fact-based policy making. This is especially true in energy policy.

Last week, a tropical storm intensified by meeting two other storms struck the East Coast. The storm battered the Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern states, devastating portions of New York and New Jersey and resulting in more than 8 million homes losing electricity from the Carolinas to Wisconsin. Experts are projecting $10 bn in damages and lost business.

Hurricane Sandy was a freak storm, not the type of extreme weather event that climate scientists have said will become more frequent and more severe if we fail to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide (which is not a pollutant). That is why we are writing to request that you do not hold a hearing on the storm and its very limited relation to climate change in the lame duck session.

Some of us have testified before the Energy and Commerce Committee on several occasions to request that the Committee exercise due caution when hearing rent-seeking scientists and other global warming profiteers who try to exploit every extreme-weather event.

After almost 16 years without global warming, there are still a few who implausibly try to blame this non-existent global warming for causing various weather-related disasters in the past two or three years, and who invite you to hold hearings on it. Commendably, you have not once responded to or even acknowledged their requests.

Global warming that has not actually occurred can scarcely have contributed much to the vast devastation wrought by tropical storm Sandy. So there is no need for you reconsider your approach to vested interests asking you to hold pointless hearings.

For two years, the House of Representatives has realized that global warming is not happening and that the consequences of a decade and a half without any warming can be dismissed without concern. With the election behind us, we will have an opportunity to begin again and give this matter the attention it deserves – none at all. We urge you to seize this opportunity not to hold a hearing during the lame duck session.


(Professor) Fred Singer
(Dr.) Bill Gray
(Dr.) Willie Soon
Monckton of Brenchley