
Eerder heb ik reeds gewezen op het werk van prof. Valentina Zharkova en haar team van de Universiteit van Northumbria naar aanleiding van een persbericht van de de ‘Royal Astronomical Society’.

A new model of the Sun’s solar cycle is producing unprecedentedly accurate predictions of irregularities within the Sun’s 11-year heartbeat. The model draws on dynamo effects in two layers of the Sun, one close to the surface and one deep within its convection zone. Predictions from the model suggest that solar activity will fall by 60 per cent during the 2030s to conditions last seen during the ‘mini ice age’ that began in 1645. Results will be presented today by Prof Valentina Zharkova at the National Astronomy Meeting in Llandudno. …

Maar dat is natuurlijk strijdig met de menselijke broeikashypothese (AGW = ‘Anthropogenic Global Warming’), die de opwarming (die al zo’n twintig jaar op zich laat wachten) vooral toeschrijft aan de menselijke uitstoot van CO2 door verbranding van fossiele brandstoffen. Maar volgens het hedendaagse Lysenkoïsme mogen dit soort berichten niet worden verspreid.

Onder de titel, ‘Global Warming Extremists Try To Silence Science — Again’, rapporteerde ‘Investor’s Business Daily’ daarover onlangs het volgende:

Recent studies suggest that the sun is in a cooling phase, which might lead to cooling on Earth. But such studies have met with bitter opposition from global warming proponents, who see them as a threat to their lucrative orthodoxy.

Climate Change: Global warming advocates like to pretend they are open-minded, all about science. But let someone else’s science get in the way of their “consensus,” and you find out how little they really believe in science.

Just ask Professor Valentina Zharkova of Britain’s Northumbria University. She and a team of researchers conducted a study on sunspots, which are known to have a strong effect on solar radiation and thus on the Earth’s climate.

What they found was remarkable: solar activity, based on models that closely fit past trends, looks to be headed for a sharp downward turn. Indeed, activity could decline to levels not seen since the so-called “Little Ice Age,” an unusually cold period that stretched across the Northern Hemisphere and lasted from roughly 1650 to 1850.

As such, a study of this kind, you might think, would be incredibly important. But instead of being greeted with scientific questions or open curiosity about her group’s study, Zharkova’s team was met with a most unscientific hostility.

“Some of them were welcoming and discussing,” she said in an interview with The Global Warming Policy Forum. “But some of them were quite — I would say — pushy.”

And some went well beyond just “pushy.”

“They were trying to actually silence us,” said Zharkova. “Some of them contacted the Royal Astronomical Society, demanding, behind our back, that they withdraw our news release.” …

For the record, Zharkova isn’t alone in her conclusions. Other recent studies, including ones found here and here, suggest the Sun is headed for a period of extremely low activity — which means, all other things being equal, lower temperatures for much of the Earth.

No, the problem isn’t the science. The problem is such research is an uncomfortable impediment of the global warming complex’s unholy alliance of green interest groups, clueless movie stars, bought-and-paid-for scientists, big government politicians, and even some major corporations that see new global warming regulations as an easy way to crush their smaller competitors.

With global governments spending billions of dollars a year on climate change, almost all of it on those who believe the global warming dogma, there’s too much at stake to allow a heretic to question the orthodoxy. That’s why Zharkova and others are greeted with unscientific hostility. …

Aldus Investor’s Business Daily.

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