E.U. Climate Commissioner Connie Hedegaard responds to CFACT
April 23, 2010
CFACT’s response: Let’s not go back to the dark ages.
CFACT has been participating in an energy debate sponsored by the National Journal.
Commissioner Hedegaard wrote:
“Craig Rucker claims that had it not been for Denmark’s oil in the North Sea we could not afford “such feel good luxuries” as renewables like wind. Wrong. Back in 1973 Denmark experienced two oil crises and the last one, when Saudi Arabia cut off oil deliveries, was so bad that it was necessary to prohibit driving private cars on Sundays. I remember this from my childhood. Can you imagine that? That was at a time where we were 99 % dependent on imported energy. Today Denmark is self-sufficient in energy, and has been for many years already. Oil and gas supplies from the North Sea are part of the explanation but definitely also the fact that today around 30 % of Denmark’s electricity stems from wind energy. AND since putting up the first wind turbine back in the mid 70s Denmark has developed a world brand in wind technology. That means not only that the wind sector today creates thousands and thousands of jobs, often mainly in rural areas, but also that is one of our fastest growing export areas, earning billions for Denmark. The sector continued to grow its exports even in the crisis year 2009.”
Here’s Craig Rucker’s response to the Commissioner:
Commissioner Hedegaard reminded us of the restrictions we all faced during the Arab oil embargo of the 1970’s. This is a poignant reminder of the importance of developing our domestic energy resources and those of our allied democracies. Commissioner Hedegaard will surely concede that Denmark’s done quite a bit of offshore drilling during the last three decades and has benefited thereby. The United States should follow that example.
Denmark’s foot prints are not always ones, however, we can recommend others follow. Danish workers carry one of the highest tax burdens in the free world. When you include taxpayer subsidies for wind turbines, Danish families pay among the highest energy prices in Europe. According to the September 2009 study by the Danish Center for Political Studies (CEPOS), the intermittent nature of wind power has forced Denmark to export around half of its wind generated electricity to its neighbors at a loss and made up shortfalls by importing vast amounts of power from those same neighbors. The electricity Denmark exports saves no CO2 emissions as the power it replaces is generated by carbon neutral means. It’s a good thing the perils of CO2 have been exaggerated.
Danish wind power will not alter the climate. If Denmark scrapped its wind turbines tomorrow its power grid would quickly adapt. Its taxpayers, however, would breathe a lot easier. If Denmark cut off its oil and gas, it would find itself in a dark age of a different variety than that endured by the brave Danes of the Viking era. Let’s not go back.
Bron: cfact.eu
Mrs Hedegard continues to give the wrong information.
When she speaks around 30% of Denmarks electricity is coming from wind, she could have meant that 26% of the total capacity in Denmark in Watt is coming from wind, if the wind was always at the level of the design of the blades.
But the wind is not always 100%. When it is more than 100% you have to block the mills.
Between 9 and 100% the real energy in kWh which can be delivered by a one kW mill, is theoretically 25% of the declared power multiplied by the time
in hours.
It would be honest if
Mrs Hedegard would have said that 1/4 of around 30%= around 7,5% of the electric energy in kWh in Denmark is generated by windmills.
And the poor Danes pay
for the remaining 92;5% kWh the double price.
Mrs Hedegard is then further saying stupid things, by claiming that Denmark, with her lies, has now an industry making windmills, and that she in Brussels will try to lobby that more countries import those toys.
Members of the European parliament should use their right to act against this fraudulus information, and send her back to Denmark.
Indeed, something is rotten in the state of Denmark.
@Jan: thx for this valuable feedback about the state of Denmark!
Denemarken is “duurzaam” ongeloofwaardig. Voor hun nutteloze groene ideologie/ niet-duurzame “gratis” (7,5% van totaal energieverbruik) windenergiebron betaalt de burger en industrie/economie giga belasting.