Sinds het allereerste lijsttrekkersdebat op Britse televisie ooit – riant gewonnen door de Liberal Democrat Nick Clegg – ziet het er serieus naar uit dat Groot-Brittannië voor het eerst sinds 1978 een coalitieregering krijgt. De partij van de charismatische leider met Hollandse voorouders is sinds deze recordtelevisieavond 15 april verder opgeveerd in de peilingen. Vanavond is een tweede debat op Sky News (volg livestream vanaf 21u Nederlandse tijd).
Vanavond staan de volgende discussiethema’s op het programma: international relations, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Middle East, UK defence, international terrorism, Europe, United States, climate change, China, international development. Kijken dus of toch tenminste het nieuws over de uitslag lezen morgen. Want Nick Clegg zou voor Groot-Brittannië wel eens het verschil kunnen maken tussen een beetje groen en een beetje boel groen beleid.
De Tory David Cameron heeft zich in het verleden net als Mark Rutte wel eens geprofileerd met “groen-rechts”, maar dit is inmiddels behoorlijk afgezwakt (maar nog niet compleet omgekeerd zoals bij de Australische conservatieven). De internationalistische Labour-partij is net als haar voormalige leider Tony Blair zeer “voor climate change”, dat wil zeggen voor mitigation en adaptation. Maar Clegg…. die maakt als links-liberaal echt de ruk naar groen met een energy revolution, een recent groen manifesto, een geprononceerde groene partijvleugel en een plan om 3 miljard pond uit te geven aan groene werkgelegenheid.
Natuurlijk zijn er altijd critici te vinden die het programma van zo’n Clegg maar greenwash vinden. De Britse Groenen roepen om het hardst dat alleen zij de enige echte groene partij zijn (link). Vanavond kun je je zelf een beeld vormen in het TV-debat over climate change. AP zegt: Clegg zit in de hot seat! Voor de liefhebbers hier een link met de spelregels voor het debat van vanavond. En hier een webpagina waar kijkers wordt gevraagd alvast groene vragen op de kandidaten af te vuren (link). Vergelijk wat je hoort eens met de Nederlandse klimaatstandpunten mede gelet op de recente politieke verschuivingen waarbij de VVD D66 momenteel het nakijken geeft.
Hieronder afsluitend integraal een brief van 26 maart jl. van Clegg aan Friends of the Earth zodat we allemaal weten welke koers Groot-Brittannië met de Liberal Democrats in de regering zal varen:
Brief van 26 maart jl. van Clegg aan Friends of the Earth (bron)
Dear Andy,
Thank you and all your co-signatories very much for your letter. I couldn’t agree with you more: this election could be a turning point, not just for Britain but for the world environment. Some people think that’s overstating it, but the scientists tell us that the coming five years could be our last chance to avert dangerous climate change. That means the government we elect next has the most enormous responsibility: to provide change at home and leadership abroad to stop the disaster from happening.
I am a huge supporter of Friends of the Earth. I’ve met up with FoE campaigners twice in the last year – at Glastonbury and at Sipsom, the village that will be destroyed if plans for a third runway go ahead. I am delighted you have chosen to get so involved in trying to influence the outcome of the election in a green direction. It’s people like you who can and must make the difference and ensure the next set of MPs take that responsibility for the future of our planet seriously.
The sad truth is there are far too many people standing for Parliament, especially in the Labour and Conservative parties who do not. I wish we didn’t have to make climate change a party-political issue, but when some parties don’t recognise the need for change, it has to be. Labour voted down a plan Liberal Democrats put before the House of Commons to cut government emissions by 10% this year as part of the 10-10 campaign. And the Conservatives don’t even support targets to generate just 15% of our energy from renewables. Yes, they speak well about the environment, but when it comes down to it, they block the action we need.
As you say in your letter, these are difficult economic times, but the recession must not be an excuse not to take action now. Indeed, economic recovery and green politics can go hand in hand. That is why we’re committed to a green jobs package. By investing in green technologies, home insulation, and public transport, we’d create hundreds of thousands of new jobs that will last and make the economy sustainable too. Britain can also be the green powerhouse of Europe, moving to renewables and not relying on nuclear – and now’s our chance to prove it.
The climate challenge requires a response at all levels of government – and Liberal Democrats would hard-wire green thinking into our whole approach. We know how important it is to make housing greener, so in government we’d start a programme to do just that – as well as tightening up the rule on new homes so they’re fully energy-efficient and changing the way we charge for energy, so people who use less are better off. We’d cut fares for passengers on public transport and create a UK Infrastructure Bank to invest in high-speed rail and shift money from roads to rail. We’d reduce air pollution and set a target for zero waste, so we stop wasting resources and ruining our precious landscape with landfill.
I could go on and on about our policies on climate change and on protecting our natural environment. You can find pages of policies on our website, and I hope you’ll take the chance to take a look. We are full of ideas about real changes we can make – eager to get power and influence so we can make them happen. Wherever Liberal Democrats are have power, from parish councils right up to the European Parliament, we use it to implement green change.
I genuinely believe the future of the climate is at stake, and you can make a difference. You only have one vote: use it wisely.
Nick Clegg
Leader of the Liberal Democrats
Moet ik de discussie nog openen? Nee, ik laat dit graag over aan de woedende kokken onder ons!
Het is een intertessante these, maar ik weet niet of je in hem binnen het klimaatdebat een vijand in moet zien. Mocht Clegg een kingmaker worden, dan is hij kingmaker in een rijk met vrij extreme overheidstekorten. Dus geen geld voor groene feestjes. Tegelijkertijd valt -as we speak- in rap tempo iedere economische en wetenschappelijke rationale achter bot groen CO2-beleid als rot fruit uit de beleidsboom.
Dus realiteit haalt hem wel in. En zoals een NRC-artikel vandaag in een bijzin opmork: het is een flexibel politicus. Ook de partij die hij vertegenwoordigt is een heterogene club: ongeveer van VVD tot libertair Groenlinks.
Als half-nederlander/europeaan weet hij ongeveer hoe de hazen hier lopen of nog veel belangrijker, in Duitschland. Z'n pre is dat hij niet in een idiote stuip zal schieten als hij met vastelanders omgaat. Zoals vele Engelse politici voor hem hebben gedaan. Belangrijk, want in Duitschland word economisch europa gemaakt, en de groene agenda in DE is veel principieler en radicaler dan in de UK.
Dus ik wens hem veel succes met zijn groene agenda. Interessant dwarsverband is dat het co2-'probleem' initieel door de regering-Thatcher is aangezwengeld om de kernenergie-industrie te ondersteunen, zo in de jaren na Tsjernobyl.
Oeps.Deels weer terugtrekken m'n analyse hierboven, als ik zonet op Newsnight Clegg holocaust deniers met climate change denier hoor vegelijken. Spetters op het beelscherm zogezeid.
Toen ik Clegg meerdere malen hoorde zeggen "Climate Change is our biggest challenge" wist ik al hoe laat het was, *zucht…*
Ik vraag mij af wat deze politicus nu precies weet over "Climate Change", of dat het weer een obamiaans truckje is stemmen te trekken. Voor de rest was het met alle drie hetzelfde, politiek gelul.
Before reading this statement of Clegg only now May 14, I had sent this e-mail:
Mr. Cameron and Mr. Clegg,
Congratulations with your decision to form a robust majority coalition government, which should be the best outcome for yourselves, for GB and for the world.
As I witnessed on TV your press conference on May 12 at 14.15 hrs. in the Downing Street 10 garden, I was well aware of the sympathetic symbiosis between the two of you, which augurs well for the next five years together.
The scene of Mr. Clegg strutting off with a big smile when Mr. Cameron was reminded by a journalist of an unpleasant remark against Mr. Clegg, which Mr. Cameron obviously made in election's propaganda time and Mr. Cameron immediately laughingly calling a high pitched "come back", was a student-like behavior of some nice blokes! (in 1951 I joined student life at the Technical University Delft in Holland)
The only pronouncement in the press conference that gave me a shudder was about the wish to strive for "a green environment".
Knowing both´ your standpoint, I sent you the e-mail as shown underneath and a follow up e-mail on May 10 with a lot of scientific information to refute the "alarmists" AGW CO2 (manmade CO2) menace.
I could send you many more scientific papers, all written by different authors of various nationalities, to inform you about the biggest hoax and resulting AGW CO2-swaps dealing heist ever.
To get a decent knowledge of the absolute nonsense told about AGW CO2, you should Google on e.g. Lord Monckton and Nick Griffin (EU parliament).
CO2 (AGW CO2 inclusive) in fact is an inert, colorless, tasteless, innocuous, profitable and very necessary gas to keep nature functioning and as such there can never be “too much” CO2 in the atmosphere!
Besides that AGW CO2 is only 0,001152 % part of the atmosphere!!
Thus it should be clear to everybody that such a futile quantity can NEVER be cause of global warming.
"A green environment" means as well "green energy" such as windmills to produce electricity; it is scientifically proved that they have an efficiency of less than 2% and need the backup of gas powered utilities to make up for no wind or for storm when the propellers must be in vane stand to avoid destruction of the installation.
Furthermore windmills are overwhelmingly ugly in the landscape and many tens of thousands of birds get killed flying into those monstrous propellers. (not so green!)
I understand very well that you are now completely absorbed by your new and very important position, but nonetheless I ask you to please take good notice of what I am trying to get through to you, because it is of imperial importance to you, to me, to everyone on the globe and to the globe itself, that the idea of "AGW CO2 is bad", should be abandoned and excommunicated.
Believe me and millions of people around the world who are absolutely sure there is no climate change, nor temperature change, nor sea level change caused by AGW CO2.
Kind regards, F. E Smit.
From: F. Eckenhuijsen Smit
Sent: Saturday, May 08, 2010 12:06 PM
Subject: AGW CO2 lies
To Mr. Cameron and Mr. Clegg.
On May 7, 2010 at 15,15 GMT I heard Mr. David Cameron, the Conservative Party leader who wants to be PM for GB, in his pronouncements on an eventual alliance with Mr. Nick Clegg, as leader of the Liberal Democrats, that he, just as Mr. Clegg, considers the lowering of AGW CO2 very important.
Obviously both men have not yet been informed of the insanity of that viewpoint. (see "Climategate" and other "gates")
I can understand that those politicians are not able to study for themselves all implications of the lies that were poured over the world population during the last 30 years, but they should restrain their words on such an important issue, not having the slightest idea of what they are talking about.
Even more pressing for them is to understand that their attitude on AGW CO2 has cost already billions of pounds and would cost trillions of pounds more, absolutely not changing at all the climate nor the temperature nor the sea level, while both men consider to bring down the deficit and restore the economy as their overall duty!
How would they do that, if so much money would be spent on the idiocy of AGW CO2?
I would like to get the following statement transferred to their minds to at least get them understand the absolute misconception of their common attitude on AGW CO2.
AGW CO2 is only 0,001152 % part of the atmosphere!!
Thus it should be clear to everybody that such a futile quantity can NEVER be cause of global warming.
I wish you and GB the best for the future, F. Eckenhuijsen Smit (Dutch national, living in Spain since 1968)