FORSCHER ALARMIERT2010 könnte das heißeste Jahr aller Zeiten werden!
24.05.2010 – 13:45 UHR
Regen, Kälte, Wind – seit Wochen frieren die Deutschen sich durch den Frühling, der sich gar nicht wie Frühling anfühlt. Die Temperaturen sind bislang kaum über die 20-Grad-Marke geklettert, und auch im Rest von Europa vermiest das Wetter den Menschen die Laune. Jetzt kündigten Forscher an: 2010 könnte zum heißesten Jahr aller bisherigen Zeiten werden!
Nach einem Bericht der „Sunday Times“ fanden Klima-Forscher heraus: Schon zwischen Januar und April waren die globalen Temperaturen rekordverdächtig hoch. Und dieser Trend könnte sich den Rest des Jahres fortsetzen!
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Kijk eens aan… een warmere wereld heeft dus toch nog voordelen! Hoewel het met die extra warmte snel voorbij zal zijn als alle meisjes dergelijke ultrahoog-albedo-bikini’s gaan dragen!
Grappig dat Platts het tegenovergestelde naar voren brengt.
Cool summer likely for UK, N Europe
Source: Platts gas news 25-05-2010
Temperatures across northern mainland Europe and the UK are
expected to be cooler than normal in June and July though the
southern mainland is expected to be warmer than normal, USbased
forecaster Weather Service International said Monday.
According to WSI, the UK, rural parts of Scandinavia and
northern mainland Europe will experience cooler than average
temperatures in June and July, though by August temperatures in
the UK and parts of northern mainland Europe are forecast to be
slightly warmer than normal.
WSI said that southern mainland Europe would experience
warmer than normal temperatures throughout the summer, while
southeastern Europe is the most likely region to see significant
and prolonged heat this summer.
“The recent historic persistence of the negative phase of the
North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) shows no signs of abating, and
this, along with the very quick transition to La Nina conditions
and relatively cool local ocean temperatures, suggests another
cool summer for the UK and parts of northern Europe,” said WSI
Chief Meteorologist, Dr. Todd Crawford. “Warmer weather, relative
to normal, will be confined to southern European locations this
summer.” Temperatures can have a significant impact on gas and
electricity demand with heating demand typically increasing in
winter months, while in the summer particularly hot conditions
can also increase electricity demand due to increased usage of
air conditioning systems.
In March, Jonathan Powell, senior weather forecaster at
Positive Weather Solutions, told Platts that the forecaster was
expecting “a warmer than average summer” and that some
temperature records could be broken.
In 2009, the UK state-funded weather forecaster, the Met
Office, predicted a “barbecue summer” for 2009, but actual
temperatures left sun-lovers disappointed.
The Met Office came under further fire after it predicted a
warmer-than-average winter for 2009-10, which turned out to be
one of the coldest winters in decades, sending gas demand
soaring to new records.
The Met Office has since decided to stop publishing long-range
seasonal forecasts for the general public.