
Evenals in vele andere landen, is de traditionele natuurbescherming in Duitsland in de verdrukking gekomen door klimaat’bescherming’ (ja, zo heet dat nu eenmaal in Duitsland). Eerder heeft de mainstream TV-zender ARD al de machinaties van de windenergielobby onthuld. Nu hebben ook de natuurbeschemers hun stem laten horen.

De plaatsing van windturbines en hoogspanningsleidingen in en door ongerepte landschappen heeft tot grootschalige natuurvernietiging geleid. Protesten daartegen uit de hoek van de natuurbeschermers werden genegeerd en doodgezwegen. Maar nu komen zij terug.

Onder de titel, ‘Top Environmentalists Aghast As Germany’s ‘Energiewende’ Turns Into A Green Dystopia!’, rapporteerde Pierre Gosseling op zijn blog.

The mood has turned 180° since the early days. Once welcome, Germany’s Energiewende is now being met with shock and outrage as the envoiornmental destruction takes on unforeseen dimensions.

Even German environmentalists, once huge proponents of renewable energies like wind and solar, are no longer able to take it any more as the Energiewende ravages the country’s environment and turns the notion of environmental protection into a fiasco.

Now that Germany’s Energiewende has been in full swing for a number of years, many leading environmentalists are in a state of shock as huge areas of the country are being deforested and landscapes disfigured to make way for hundreds of wind turbines.

Environmentalist Georg Etscheit is a regular contributor at Germany’s leading climate alarmism site, Klimaretter, and he as well has had enough. Etscheit will be releasing a book in early November.

Geopferte Landschaften von

The title of the book: “Sacrificed Landscapes – How the Energiewende Is Destroying our Landscapes.”

In the book’s promotion video, a number of Germany’s leading environmental experts are seen denouncing Germany’s Energiewende, as they are aghast at what is going on.

Prof. Dr. Niko Paech, sustainability scientist, says:

What’s awful about the destruction of the landscapes and the government is that all of it has a legitimization.


The German Energiewende has become a justification for destroying our last remaining natural landscapes. …

Jörg Rehmann, journalist and author:

If we want to survive on this planet, we need an Energiewende. But what the policymakers have made of it is not an Energiewende, rather it is the greatest fraud project since the end of the second world war.

Prof. Dr. Niko Paech:

Science is legitimizing a rampage against nature. We destroy the landscape while we claim it is serving the ecology. It’s a cannibalism by the measures. Climate protection is the aim that justifies the means to destroy all other remaining environmental media.


No climate goals have been reached despite the billions invested.

Under the guise of a planned economy, there is now an unprecedented amount of cronyism and wasted money. It is shocking how far into a legal gray zone communities have gone with respect to the permitting in natural areas. It really reeks of corruption.

My feeling is that the zeitgeist is right, and this book will do very well. It needs to be written in English (soon!) so that it can reach an international audience and hopefully help prevent the German blunder from being repeated elsewhere.

Aldus Pierre Gosselin.

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Het is te hopen dat de natuurbeschermers steun krijgen vanuit de bevolking en de politiek en Duitsland gaat beseffen dat de Energiewende alleen maar narigheid heeft opgeleverd: hoge stroomprijzen, energiearmoede, dreigend faillissement voor traditionele elektriciteitsleveranciers, wegtrekken van de  energie-intensieve industrie uit Duitsland en verwoesting van het landschap, zonder dat dat alles ook maar een grammetje minder CO2-uitstoot heeft opgeleverd en geen enkel aantoonbaar effect heeft gehad op het klimaat. En wie gaat die troep weer t.z.t. opruimen?

De prijs voor klimaatideologische verdwazing is hoog, zéér hoog.

Voor mijn eerdere bijdragen over klimaat en aanverwante zaken zie hierhier, hier, hier en hier.