Onder de titel, ‘Most Europeans And 2/3 Of Britons Reject IPCC ‘Climate Consensus’, publiceerde de ‘Global Warming Policy Foundation’ (GWPF) onlangs de uitslag van een opiniepeiling onder 10.000 Europese burgers, waaruit bleek dat een meerderheid de bewering dat klimaatverandering voornamelijk of voor het grootste deel wordt veroorzaakt door de mens – de zogenoemde klimaat’consensus’ – verwerpt.


For the last few decades, questions about the causes and impacts of climate change have dominated the climate debate. The IPCC and many climate scientists have been claiming relentlessly that the global warming trend since the second half of the 20th century is mainly if not entirely man-made, i.e. as a result of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. This dogma is habitually claimed to be the global climate consensus.

In contrast, climate sceptics have remained sceptical. Given the lack of proper understanding of the many known (and unknown) natural factors that contribute to climate change, most sceptics claim that it is impossible, at least for the time being, to quantify reliably the exact relationship between natural and human factors that drive climate change.

Following concerns that the so-called climate consensus was not reaching the public, a comprehensive opinion poll of 10,000 European citizens in 10 countries was conducted to establish levels of awareness, concern, and trust among different demographic groups and nationalities.

The result of the poll reveals that despite decades of climate alarmism and green indoctrination the European public remains doggedly sceptical and unprejudiced – a result that confirms and strengthens the work of the GWPF and other European climate sceptics:

“When asked about general perceptions of major global risks, 18% of all respondents said that climate change was the most serious problem facing the world. Concerning the causes of climate change, almost half of all respondents (46%) believed that climate change is either “mainly” or “entirely” caused by human activity and 42% thought that climate change is caused “partly by natural processes and partly by human activity.” Only 8% thought climate change was either “mainly” or “entirely” caused by natural processes (with a further 1% saying climate change did not exist and 2% saying “don’t know”).”

Deze uitkomst is opmerkelijk, gezien de decennialange indoctrinatie die ter zake heeft plaatsgevonden. Zij geeft hoop. Zij toont aan dat er grenzen zijn aan de macht van propaganda en dat er uitzicht is op een einde aan dit geval van collectieve verstandsverbijstering.

Voor de gehele studie zie hier: Full paper.

Voor mijn eerdere bijdragen over klimaat en aanverwante zaken zie hierhier, hier, hier en hier.